AOL error code 475 is displayed in your mail account if suspicious activity was detected. This usually indicates that you are sending spam emails to AOL users. This error means that one cannot only receive emails from their AOL account, but can’t send them. The troubleshooting steps below will help you quickly fix the error. You can also call our helpline number to get the solution from an expert.

The AOL Error code 475 can occur for many reasons. The failure may not be due to all the factors listed above. Take a look at these and see if any match your situation.

You can send a lot of emails to the AOL account in a short time.

You can send the same message again, or if you have duplicate information in an email.

AOL emails do not go to the inbox of recipients. Instead, they are sent to your Outbox folder or Draft folder.

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Steps To Fix AOL Code 475

You can manually resolve the problem by following these steps:

Method 1: Delete AOL emails from your Outbox Folder

Sometimes, AOL emails may not be being sent to the recipient’s address. Instead, they land in the outbox folder. To avoid further complications, it is possible to quickly fix the problem. You can read the following steps to understand how it works:

Log in to your email account using your AOL username, password, and enter the AOL username. Double-click on “Outbox.” Next, select the email addresses you want to delete Click OK to delete all emails from that folder. Method 2: Reset your AOL email password It is possible that the server doesn’t send email to you when you travel to foreign locations. This could cause the software to stop updating. This happens when the server cannot identify the change in the location and considers sending emails suspicious. You can avoid this by changing your AOL Mail password using the steps below. Log in to AOL Mail and click on “Account Info”. Next, choose ‘Account Security’ and then click on Change Password’ You will need to enter your current password and then create a new one. For confirmation, enter the new password again Click OK to save your changes